How have you changed?

It is difficult to me to talk about how much I have changed. I consider it a space of intimacy. When you ask about it, a huge amount of memories come to my mind and it is impossible to order all that stuff I will give a quick browse of the last 3 years.

In the mentioned period, I made a deep change of interests and behaviors, by example, the old Tomas would not have taken into account music as a space of personal development, he despised Murga and cueca, he didn´t value folklore and all its tremendous knowledge and the relationship in between those matters and the design profession.  

I used to be focused in different matters but my responsibilities in the university. By now, I am oriented to finish my studies as soon as possible and get into a life of knowledge, working in different countries, taking overseas specialized courses and integrating them with the different local realities. I would love a wanderer way of life.


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