What are you really into?

Sleeping, Drawing and Cooking.

The three things I do the most in the lockdown are sleeping, drawing and cooking, in this order. Sleeping: I know, every person sleeps, but I have to say that recently, specifically at the strike I started to sleep an incommesurable quantity of hours compared to my sleeping schedule during classes. Drawing: To get past the confinement stress I started to draw again. Why I say again? Because I like drawing from my childhood, I used to spend a lot of time drawing cartoons of my friends, teachers, but over time I found different hobbies that got over drawing. I started initialy like any other hobby, but it quickly turned out to be a full time hobby. It’s not like I’m the best drawer in the world, but I made an Instagram page for my drawings and I shared it to my friends and they liked them. Cooking:  I never felt much attracted to the kitchen, it was a place ruled by my mom and brother Pablo, so always thinked that I don’t have abilities to cook or if I tried it will be a disaster. That changed when I moved to live alone and obviusly, I discovered I could cook very good hahaha. Back to the lockdown. In this quarantine we divide the kitchen by day and it turn a competition of who is the best cooker in the family, so I spend my time to learn new recipies, almost allways fish. 


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