A subject you enjoyed this semester
Since the university had to go online due
to the global pandemic and subsequent quarantine it hasn’t been able to attend
the most interesting subjects, mainly workshops, in a face-to-face fashion, so
I am not sure I fully enjoyed any of them. Despite my previous statement,
Visual Configurations has been a pleasure.
Visual Configurations gives us a basic
understanding of the plane, meaning, the abstraction, the ordered arrangement
of visual elements over the plane, we work in perceptions based on Gestalt
laws, in addition to studying authors like Kandinsky and Malévich, who introduces us with concepts
such as equilibrium, color and tension. Before quarantine, we were studying
tension and the order of lattices.
I mention this subject since I like
the work methodology of the teaching team which is made up by a multidisciplinary
group of professionals and students
I find this subject interesting and entertaining, I really liked it when I had it